Technical term

What is CSS?

We like to be brutally honest, and if you have to look up "What is CSS?" then you may not really need to know. But to get to the point, it's something as "simple" as a type of code that helps control how digital elements, usually on websites, should look visually.

What is CSS - The slightly more friendly version

Now that we're done being lavish design and developer encyclopedias, we can put on our jovial and helpful hats and explain to you in a slightly less brash way what CSS really is. The statements below about CSS sum it up:

  • CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets" and as we've mentioned, it's all about how something should look visually.
    Metaphorically, we can look at HTML, which you may also have encountered, as the skeleton, Javascript and PHP as muscles, tendons, etc. while CSS is what this person looks like.
  • CSS is one of the fairly easy "codes" to read, because it is often, but not always, logical terms that are printed. For example, "background-color: white;" surprisingly makes the background of the HTML element you are aiming for white.
  • CSS is used by web developers when implementing a design on a website, or making adjustments to how something should look.
  • CSS can control things like colors, sizes, shadows, borders, fonts, to name perhaps 0.1% of all the possibilities.

Some of the customers we've worked with

Nor Omega
Maria Mena
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Telenor Arena
Lifeline Care
Eldorado E-sport
Nor Omega
Maria Mena
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Telenor Arena
Lifeline Care
Eldorado E-sport